The Reality of Bail Bonds is Not Seen On TV

Posted February 9th, 2016 by .

Categories: Bail Bonds.

reality tv vs bail bonds pizzo bail bonds

If all you know about bail bonds comes from reality TV, it may mean that you need a reality check.  Reality TV and bail bonds do not necessarily translate to the real world.  Learn why.

What You See on Reality TV

Let’s face it.  Reality television shows are more interested in producing sensationalistic pieces to garner market share.  Do you think that the bail bonds industry is a daily recreation of the lives of Leonard Padilla, Robert Dick, and Duane “Dog” Chapman?  The shows have primarily focused on their “adventures” as bounty hunters, searching for those who have skipped bail.  What is life like for those who run local bail bonds agencies such as Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds?

The Role of a Bail Bonds Company

In this great country of ours, we operate under the premise that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.  At Andrew Pizzo Bails Bonds, we are committed to assuring our clients are afforded freedom at least until their day of court.  We work with clients and their families to provide the financial resources to facilitate prisoner release after arrest.  In short, we coordinate our efforts with the accused and the court system to post bail.

What is Bail?

Depending on the level of crime, the courts will set bail amounts that allow an arrestee to secure pretrial release.  Bail is a monetary means of ensuring that an individual will show up for court.  Bail amounts are generally set according to the level of the crime or the likelihood that an individual will forego the court appearance.  Notwithstanding, some crimes are deemed so egregious that bail is not set and the defendant is remanded to jail until trial.  In other cases, the accused may have a long history of failing to appear in court.  They may be kept behind bars to assure their presence at trial.

When Do You Need a Bail Bonds Company?

If the court agrees to release you on your own recognizance, you do not need a bail bonds company. This means that the judge is somewhat certain that you will show up for trial.  This tactic is most commonly employed for first offenders with minor charges.  Others who are released on their own recognizance include individuals with a history of job stability and tight ties within the community.

In many circumstances, bail is assigned to ensure that the court can count on your cooperation.  If the bail amount is less than $1,000, you may be able to make the payment on your own.  However, we find that bail in excess of that amount requires our services.  We have the experience and the resources to work on your behalf to secure your or your loved one’s release.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one needs help in posting bail, it is crucial that you retain a licensed and experienced agency.  Contact us anytime for information regarding our services.


You won't go wrong with Pottsville Bail Bonds

There are no hidden surprises when it comes to bail conditions or bail fees. We are honest and straightforward through the whole bail process.

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