What Happens If I Don’t Pay My Bond Bill?

Posted December 6th, 2016 by .

Categories: Bail Bonds.


You were arrested for a crime and are placed in jail to await your hearing. You call up the bail bond company and make arrangements for a bond. A few months go by and the charges against you are dismissed. Because of this, you don’t feel like you need to pay the rest of the amount owed to the bondsman. You’re innocent, after all. What can happen next?

It’s sad but this can happen from time to time. Many believe that if the charges are dropped, or are found not guilty of the crime, then that’s the end of the whole situation. But that simply is not the case.

Just like a credit card or a bank loan, you are required to pay your bail bondsman the amount agreed upon, no matter what happens with your case. You will not get your money back for the bond. And if you don’t pay your bills, you will have a lawsuit against you. No, the bail bondsman cannot put you back in jail for not paying the bond. However, the company can sue you to get the money returned.

But what happens if your case is still pending and you’re not paying the bill? What happens then? Still, the bail bond company cannot put you in jail. However, there is a chance that the bondsman will file a motion to revoke the bond, resulting in your arrest and return to jail for the original charge.

At Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds, we understand that sometimes it’s hard to pay your bills, especially after an arrest. That’s why we will work with you to come up with a payment plan that you can afford.

If you or a loved one was arrested and you need to make bail, don’t worry; we are ready to help you. Contact Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds today and get your loved one free.

You won't go wrong with Pottsville Bail Bonds

There are no hidden surprises when it comes to bail conditions or bail fees. We are honest and straightforward through the whole bail process.

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