Posted February 21st, 2017 by Brandon Stuch.
Categories: Bail.
At your arraignment, the judge sets bail at an extremely high amount. There’s no way you can pay for bail. You ask your friends and family but they are flat-out refuse or don’t have the funds available to help you out. You’re stuck in jail. But for how long?
It’s a tough situation and one that many people face. Bail can be very expensive and if you don’t have money even for a bond, you are stuck. If a defendant can’t come up with the funds to pay for bail, then that person has to remain in custody until the case is over. No matter how long your case will be — either a couple days or a few months — the defendant must stay in jail until everything is resolved.
But there are options available to you if you don’t have money available for the bail. Your best option is, of course, get a bail bond from Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds. With a bond from Pizzo, there are no hidden surprises when it comes to conditions or bail fees. We are upfront, honest, and will work with you every step of the way. All we ask at first is a premium and will work with you to make sure you are able to pay the rest.
The major reason why bail is set too high is because you were charged with a serious crime or the judge doesn’t believe that you will be in court for your trial. But you do have the option to have your bail reviews. Your attorney can file a motion for reduction of bail and have the ruling reviewed. But remember, you don’t have the right to as many bond hearings as you like — there need to be certain circumstances involved that would need a change in your bail.
If you have a loved one in jail and are in need of bail bond, we’re here to help. Contact Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds today and get your loved one free.
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