What You Should and Should Not Do When You Get Arrested
Posted May 2nd, 2017 by Brandon Stuch.
Categories: Arrest.
You find out that you are charged with a crime and there’s an arrest warrant out for you. This means the police will be coming to arrest you at any moment. You’re scared and not sure how to act. What should you do?
Being arrested can be a scary experience, especially if you’re not sure how to act or what is going to happen next. We’ve spoken many times about what you should do after the arrest, but not what to do during the process. So here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind when the police come knocking on your door.
- Stay courteous and polite to the police. Don’t give them a reason to think that you are a threat or hard to handle.
- Ask for the arresting officer’s name and badge number. This may come in handy later, especially if the officer mistreats you.
- Ask the reason you are being arrested. This is your right. Also ask to see the arrest warrant, if there is one.
- Make sure the officer reads you your rights then inform them you wish to remain silent until an attorney is present. This is crucial, you must demand to have an attorney present before answering questions.
- If for some reason you are injured by the police while being arrested, seek medical assistance and if you can, get photographs of your injuries.
- Stay silent. Anything you do say, no matter how harmless it seems, can come back to haunt you.
- Don’t resist arrest. You can face additional charges.
- Don’t get into an argument or physically contact the police. They may consider this as a threat.
- Don’t interfere or obstruct the police. Again, you can face additional charges.
- Don’t offer any information to the police, not until your attorney is present. In fact, don’t sign anything, don’t say anything, don’t do anything until your lawyer is by your side. The only thing you should give the police is your name and address.
- Unless they have a warrant, do not let the police search your property without the advice of your attorney.
- And of course, don’t run away.
One of the things you should do after an arrest is to contact a bail bond agency as soon as possible. If you or a loved one is arrested anywhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania, we are ready to help. Contact Andrew Pizzo Bail Bonds today for more information.
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