Posted September 13th, 2016 by Brandon Stuch.
Categories: Bail Bonds.
Domestic violence is a serious crime.
One in four women experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetime.
Men are the victims of nearly three million domestic violence assaults in country. If someone is arrested for domestic violence, a bail bondsman is their best shot at release.
Domestic violence bail bonds work the same as other criminal bail bonds. First, you are arrested for the crime you committed. You are put in jail, processed and then you must figure out what comes next. If you decide to go with a bail bondsman, you must fill out an application. You must make sure you have a cosigner that trusts you enough to put the money up for your bail.
Once you’ve found someone to agree to a cosign, you can make the arrangement for the payment of the bondsman’s fee. You want to make sure you post bail immediately. The sooner you post it, the sooner you will be allowed to meet with your attorney.
Once you’ve met with your attorney, they can try and convince the district attorney not to file charges or let you plead to a lesser charge, such as domestic battery.
The bond for domestic battery/assault can range from $20,000 to $100,000. In order to correctly estimate the amount, you must know the difference between domestic battery and domestic assault.
Domestic violence requires the victim to suffer some form of physical injury. Domestic battery does not. If someone is arrested for domestic battery, the charge can be increased to domestic violence if bruising shows later.
Both charges are considered crimes, but domestic battery is considered closer to a misdemeanor. It still goes on your record and can cause you to lose your license if you are a doctor, realtor, lawyer, etc.
If you have been arrested for domestic violence, you want to make sure you have a good criminal defense attorney for your case.
If you have been arrested for domestic battery, hopefully all you will need is a good bail bondsman. If this is the case, contact Pizzo Bail Bonds today.
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